I met Shri Oscar FernandezJi, Senior Parliamentarian and Former Central Minister

I met Shri Oscar FernandezJi, Senior Parliamentarian and Former Central Minister today i . e., 1st August, 2017 at his residence in New Delhi.
Though it was a courtesy call I discussed many issues concerning common man in India with Shri FernandezJi. We also discussed about the richness and glory of Tulu language. I fully support his demand for including Tulu language in the 8th Schedule of the Constitution.
As always, it was a great learning experience meeting a senior leader. Mr. Oscar FernandezJi has been in service of people since long. As a law maker his contribution for the welfare of the people and development of the nation is commendable. There is a lot that social activists and politicians can learn from the great political journey and achievements of Shri Oscar FernandezJi
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