I appreciate the great work and vision of Shri @DrAshokKMittal Ji and his family in bringing up an amazing group of education institutes under the banner of Lovely Professional University in Punjab.

I appreciate the great work and vision of Shri @DrAshokKMittal Ji and his family in bringing up an amazing group of education institutes under the banner of Lovely Professional University in Punjab. This University has a wonderful infrastructure, state of art facilities for students who are doing different courses. The University is producing just not engineers, lawyers, technocrats, entrepreneurs, and architects but International sportsmen as well. Today, my visit to the University campus was a memorable experience and I am taking this opportunity to thank all the staff members who helped in making the study visit a success. I wish the students the best of luck.
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It was a fruitful meeting with the Hon’ble Union Minister for Culture & Tourism Shri @gssjodhpur Ji today.